Having faith

Sometimes the statement "have faith" is so much easier said than done. What happens if you can't? I mean I can, but there are moments where the sadness consumes me and the faith seems so far out of reach. I know I have a lot to be grateful for, but there are so many things that have been just out of reach for such a long time that it hurts. Now, things are changing, probably for the better, most of the time I feel that way, but what if they're not? What if giving up is the wrong option?! How do I know what is? Nothing in life is ever easy, and that sucks. I could make it sound pretty and metaphorical but that is the plain and simple truth. How can I just stop being what I've known for 7 years? How can I stop taking my concerns back from God once I give them to him? And why does the hurt have to magnify with each decision?!


Anonymous said…
Having faith is super hard, especially when it feels like things just haven't been going our way. It's hard to realize that a dream may never come true! For me, I just try to think of it as it isn't in God's plan for me to have that dream. If it's not, then maybe, just maybe, something better is coming along. I won't know when or why, but surely, something better must come along.
Remember that while it feels like God isn't always with us, HE really is. Maybe it just isn't the time yet for what we desire. Part of the doubting, etc, is what will make us all realize how great God really is! You are a lovely flower, and while life is hard, you have great friends and family that are here to talk!

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