16 weeks...
16 weeks tomorrow. I know I may seem a little crazy by counting the weeks, but our lives have changed. We are not home and sometimes the counting keeps me from going insane, well kind of. There is progress. Cabinets and countertops ordered, sheet rock is going up later this week and we have begun the process of ordering appliances and furniture. So things are moving after a small standstill. The time has been quick but it also feels like time has been standing still. It has been nice getting to know Kris' parents and the girls getting to know their grandparents, but we are all ready to go home. Thankfully our girls are busy, which may seem a little too busy to some, but its the life we know and better to busy and out of the way. Plus, I think it helps the girls keep their minds off the fire. I've noticed when we have some down time, they start to think about what was lost. I know the transition into the house will be bittersweet. Just looking at pictures from directly after th...