
Showing posts from February, 2008

Cold & Colds, go away......

It seems like everyone I know has a cold or the crud of some sort. Poor Piper had strep a couple of weeks ago and continues to battle a cough and fever. Parker is just a walking snot machine. Now mommy has their cough. I would much rather have any of it then for the to have it. I'm waiting for Kris to get it too, but hopefully his immune system of steel will continue. I know most of us are ready for Spring and some warmth, I know that will help peak all of the moods that have been down with this yucky stuff. I am sick of coughing, sick of wiping running noses and so sick of our girls being sick.

So Refreshed, Yet Trying To Focus!

Kris took me away for the weekend, our first trip away from the girls. What a great way to relax and find some time together. I had such a good time with him, not having to rush back home Saturday night to a babysitter, but being able to take our time and enjoy the night and go back to a hotel in a whole other state. The girls were pretty happy, they got to spend the day with Grandma Pat and saw Pappo for a bit. Then they spent the night with my parents and enjoyed that time too. I really think Kris and I needed this after the year we've had. I think we should have little trips away more often and it just rekindled the need to snuggle, laugh and enjoy the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with! That said, I am having hard time focusing on the week. I got spoiled having him to myself for two whole days and it's hard not being with him when he's off this week and I'm at work. I feel like a girl who's just fallen in love, and I know that may sound cheesy but...


Kris is working a lot of hours right now, between his 3 jobs and while I worry that he will wear himself out, I do appreciate his hard work. AND I know it's for the greater good. We are trying to save up to buy a house, and that turkey is taking me for a Valentine weekend out of state! So, there are reasons for his absence. I am trying to take the girls to see him when he is working. We got a chance to do just that last week when we got 8 inches of snow and he worked for a fellow firefighter who plows snow on the side. The girls FINALLY got a chance to do snow angels and play in the white stuff. The past few times, they've had some kind of cold or something that makes letting them play in the cold not even an option. It was so much fun to capture them in the snow, with Kansas being the state it is, who knows when we'll see that much snow again! It's hard to think in just a few months we'll be sweating likes pigs, ok maybe just me!