
Showing posts from June, 2016

Random Mondayness

It is now the time of summer where things are winding down while other things are just getting started. This softball season is getting ready to end. Big P has her last tourney in Nebraska next weekend. Little P may not be on hand as she had her tonsils and stuff out last week. Thankfully Kris is home one of the days as it falls between his shift days, but a good family friend will have Little P on the second day so I can cheer Big P on. Little P has two more tournaments, one in a couple of weeks which is State and not too far of a drive in KC. The other is World Series which is four hours away and of course Kris can not take off, the fire captains usually take all summer, so the other guys are kind of screwed. Kind of annoying but he did try. So the P's and I will have a girls trip. Two trips, back to back, just me and a P or two. Should be fun! Big P is in a tough spot for softball. She has a late December birthday which falls right before the age deadline and usually puts her ...

Summer, summertime....

Summer break is here. I am so glad it is. It has been a very good break for the girls and I so far. Kris has been home as much as he can. He is trying to find a good balance between work and home. So far, so good. It is a good thing to be home this summer, and I appreciate the hard work he puts in so that can happen. I am watching some kiddos off and on and working on a freelance project, so that helps too. Softball season is in full swing. Both girls are enjoying their new teams and new experiences. Both girls are also enjoying the summer break of being home more and enjoying time together. I love this feeling. I hope it is the beginning of a better journey for us all. I am a little sad to think about big P going to middle school in August. Such a big change, but a needed one. She has to grow. Little P will be in 6th grade. Sigh...time does need to slow down some. Please. Lots of projects to do around the house. Spent a little time being lazy and on here today. Gotta get up and ...