What a difference....

......a day makes. I was so wrapped up in sadness and fear yesterday. Today, I have hope, for myself, for the P's and for whatever our future may hold. Today, I saw my uncle, who was recently diagnosed with cancer, possibly an agressive cancer, out for his 5-mile run. The man runs 5-miles a day, even with the possiblity of chemo, radiation and all that comes with his diagnosis. So if he can run, so can I, so to speak. I have an amazing life, not just the P's, but life in general. It took hearing from an old friend, that I need to be happy in a whole sense, not just the mommy-sense, for me to realize what I have before me. Yes, things are uncertain right now, but aren't they always? It takes that FAITH to wake up each morning, to go on each day and to make the most of life. I'm ready to do that, either on my own or with him. We'll see what life has in store.


Anonymous said…
A day can make a difference!! You have been on my mind a lot lately, and very much in my heart.
I love you cuz!
Mamaof2M's said…
You are a lovely flower!

And to cheer you...tag, you're it! Read my blog to find out what I mean!!

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