I've been tagged....

Wendy sent me this saying I've been tagged and had to answer these items on my blog, so now all of you who read my words get to put up with this! Enjoy!

10 years ago I was:

1. Dealing with a scary health issue.

2. Getting ready to meet the man I would marry.

3. Enjoying life as a student, and working two jobs!

4. Thinking my intern job at a TV station would lead me to ESPN!

5. Just beginning to understand life as a woman.

5 things on today’s to do list:

1. Try to focus on my To-Do list at work.

2. Run some errands during my lunch hour.

3. Make a list of things to focus on for my new life focus...(sounds weird but its a good thing)

4. Come up with something to make for the bonfire tomorrow night

5. Pick up the P's from daycare and enjoy the Lazy Friday night with them!

5 snacks I enjoy:

1. Cheese

2. Fruit of any kind

3. A few oreos dunked in milk courtesy of the P's

4. My mama's chocolate cake straight out of the oven sans frosting

5. All of a sudden I'm hungry for scrambled eggs...

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:

1. Pay off bills

2. Pay off my family's bills

3. Treat family and friends to a fantastic vacation

4. Build a home

5. Write Children's books and be a SAHM

5 places I have lived:

1. Oakland

2. Highland Park

3. College Hill

4. Briarwood

5. Downtown (oh wait these are all Topeka neighborhoods, I don't remember all of the places I lived before I moved here!)

5 jobs I have had:

1. Ice Cream Scooper

2. Camp Counselor

3. Producer

4. Waitress at a Japanese Restaurant (yea I pretty much stunk at that!)

5. Mommy (the best job in the world!)

I have to pass this to others, and tag, you all are it! Megan, Catherine, Kristen & Brandy!


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