fire·proof [fahyuhr-proof] –adjective
1. resistant to destruction by fire.
2. totally or almost totally unburnable. –verb (used with object)
3. to make fireproof.

I like to think of this term when it comes to my life now, particularly my marriage. Kris and I went to see Fireproof the movie last weekend and it has changed my outlook on how I treat my husband and who my husband is supposed to be to me. It sounds a bit cheesy to some to have a movie become a tool to keeping a marriage on track, but as my pastor says, God uses whatever he can to get through to us, and that indeed includes a movie. I won't go into detail or hash out how life has been for us for the past few years, but I will say this. Life is changing and for the better for our family. Its a bit scary, but so exciting and so rewarding. There is a promise in our house that hasn't been there for a long time. So go out and see this movie and maybe it'll speak to you in a way you never imagined.


cattytg said…
OMG Liz, I watched the preview and I HAVE to see it. I haven't watched a movie in years!

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