
What is normal? I'm trying to find a new normal for our family. But it's harder than it looks. You don't realize how normal life is by going to your own place every night. By crawling into your own bed and pulling up your own covers. These are some of the things the girls have wished they could do. I have too, I would give anything to spread out on my sippy cup stained couch and enjoy the P's giggling and playing while having my pup at my feet. But this is our life now. And while I know it was just a couch, I think of when my Oma took me shopping for it and the matching chair when I was 6 months  pregnant with Little P and how that was the only thing I could sleep on. I think of sleepless nights with a sick kiddo on that couch or a recovering Kris resting his newly fixed back or Achilles on that couch. I am trying hard to be patient and to be a rock for my family, some days though, I feel more like silly putty.


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