Waiting and Living.....

It's been over a month since our house fire. We have been sitting idle for awhile, waiting on our insurance company and Frigidaire to come together to take the refrigerator apart and determine the exact cause of our fire. Sitting idle is hard to do. Very. And adding those lovely break ins into the mix made it hard. But today is the day. I'm home with a sick kiddo so I was able to go with my father in law to let the engineers into the home. Having them react to the house and the kitchen was a good experience. We know it is bad, but having them confirm it helps reassure me some. In a weird, totally unexplainable kind of way. Hopefully after today, the rebuilding can begin. There are quite a few steps before that can happen but all of those steps mean progress. It has been a good experience living with Kris' parents, they have been more than accommodating, but I know we are all ready to go home.

We continue to feel the love from the community as well. Orange Leaf night was above and beyond a major success and another humbling experience. Having that many people come out specifically for our family is amazing. I can't even begin to thank people enough. I feel like I will be saying thank you for the next 30 years. But I don't mind. I hope that we can continue to pay it forward.

We have been very busy with the normal things in life. Soccer, softball and school of course. The girls are both doing well in all of it, again showing that kids are pretty resilient.
Little P scored her first goal 3 days after the fire. Big P scored her first goal, as a goalie nonetheless this past Saturday and Uncle B was on hand to give a congratulatory hug.

Softball is starting next week. I love the madness of the ball field.


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