What a weekend

We spent what was technically the "last weekend of Summer" busy as a family, which was so nice. The girls have been asking for a puppy for as long as I can remember, but here lately, daddy has joined the push. While I know this means more work for me, since I am primarily the one home most of the time with the girls, I can't help but think of the joy getting a puppy will give to my family. So, I caved and on Saturday we drove the 3 hours to Omaha to get Daisy.
She is such a sweet girl! But she is definitely a puppy, potty-training is a constant job with her and she nips more than she should. But she is also a little snuggler and its so nice to have the girls around her. She likes to help wake them up in the mornings before school and daycare and I think they are really enjoying her. Piper got down on the floor and played with Daisy last night, I am so proud of her. She was a little anxious around her at first but each day she gets a little braver and takes it on. Parker, well we are still working on her, but she sees sister playing with her and that seems to help. They helped pay for Daisy and were very curious about why we were driving to Nebraska Saturday. It was very hard not to tell them. Piper even asked if we were going to a garage sale as we pulled up to Daisy's old house. Too funny! Even though Kris is definitely out-numbered, he truly seems to happy to have a four-legged friend in the house again. So here we go....puppy and all!
Also this weekend, we got a chance to take family pictures on my mom's side. This hasn't been done for 10 years and I'd definitely say it was much needed. We had a few family members travel in from out of town, while one was sadly let down, but I have to praise her for her efforts on trying to be there. And sadly, with Oma's Alzheimers, it may be the last picture she will remember being a part of, I certainly hope that's not the case, but reality has to set in a bit too!
With a family this large, its hard to get everyone together! Here's a few shots of what we did get!

Parker, Piper & cousin Haylie (second pic)
My Family! (third pic)


Anonymous said…
What a beautiful photo!!! It brought tears to my eyes!! I'd love to add it to our heritage page if that is okay with you??

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