
Have you ever been touched by someone else's life or story, someone you've never met and probably never will?
I've been following Jenny Scott's blog ( for a few years now, after seeing her story on a pregnancy weekly post. Her daughter Allie, was born just one day before our Piper entered the world. Sadly, Jenny only got to know her daughter for 9 months, she lost her sweet little life to Leukemia. I have cried many tears, both of sadness and joy while reading Allie's story and Jenny's journey since then. Her life and her ability to be as strong as she has for her youngest daughter, gives me a great sense of strength and hope for others as well.
It is on Jenny's blog that I was introduced to Crys' blog ( Her story has hit my heart too, in such a way that it has literally taken my breath away. She just lost her angel Alexa this summer, just 2 1/2 months ago, this sweet 4 year old little girl was whisked away by Angels. I spent what should've been just a short break, reading over her blog and then about Alexa. Again, more tears, tears for this sweet little girl who endured so much because of cancer. Tears for her mama who had to dress this princess for the last time the day before her funeral. And tears for the reality in which it has cast my life as a mother.
These mothers have shared their greatest joy, their greatest sorrow in words that have completely touched my soul! I can not and pray that I will not ever feel that sorrow in the way they have, but I am grateful so very much, for their words, their ability to share their life with the rest of us, people they will probably never meet.

I spent a good part of the morning frustrated with myself and the girls over how we behaved this morning with each other. How does this possibly compare to Jenny and Crys' stories? It doesn't really, but it puts my daily struggles into perspective. Something Kris has been telling me all along, I need to learn to pick my battles. I do NOT want my life as a mother and their childhood filled with me barking commands, arguing over the insignificant daily life routines. These amazing little people have been placed in our care by the Lord himself. I've said it a thousand times before, but I mean it, we are truly blessed with Piper and Parker. They are exactly what little girls should be, good behavior and bad behavior included. We get to hold them tonight before they go to bed. We get to teach them how to cross the street, how to brush their teeth the right way, how to throw a baseball, how to jump rope, how to swim, how to write in cursive, how to blow a bubble, how to whistle, how to just be.....we are blessed with all of the how to's we've already done!

It is so easy to get caught up in the daily routine of being here on time, being there on time, getting this event in, or getting that taken care of, to forget the true joy of being a parent. And then you look at your child and realize they're turning 5 and you wonder what the heck happened to the past 4 1/2 years?! How could you have missed her learning how to write all of her letters? How could you have missed her learning to tie a knot? It is the simple moments of being a parent that we tend to forget. And it is those simple moments that we desperately cling to when the kids are grown and too busy for you.

So as I type this, I am vowing to God, to Kris, to Piper and Parker and myself to take a step back and look at what really matters. Because there are mothers out there who would give everything for just one of the simple moments I take advantage of on a daily basis. So thank you Jenny and Crys for sharing your stories with us and thank you for reminding us that life is just simply a breath, and it can be taken away in just a matter of a moment.


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