
Showing posts from September, 2008


We were supposed to be in Colorado Springs as a family right now, but the economy has nixed that idea. SO it's just the P's and I hoping to fill our days with as much fun in our town as possible, while daddy is a state away. I'm looking forward to some with the P's, as well as time with each of them one on one while the other is in preschool. Although, I have to admit, I'm a little sad that the girls and I aren't with Kris to enjoy the scenery. We'll just have to enjoy the scenery we have here at home!


Have you ever been touched by someone else's life or story, someone you've never met and probably never will? I've been following Jenny Scott's blog ( ) for a few years now, after seeing her story on a pregnancy weekly post. Her daughter Allie, was born just one day before our Piper entered the world. Sadly, Jenny only got to know her daughter for 9 months, she lost her sweet little life to Leukemia. I have cried many tears, both of sadness and joy while reading Allie's story and Jenny's journey since then. Her life and her ability to be as strong as she has for her youngest daughter, gives me a great sense of strength and hope for others as well. It is on Jenny's blog that I was introduced to Crys' blog ( ) . Her story has hit my heart too, in such a way that it has literally taken my breath away. She just lost her angel Alexa this summer, just 2 1/2 months ago, this sweet 4 year old...

What a weekend

We spent what was technically the "last weekend of Summer" busy as a family, which was so nice. The girls have been asking for a puppy for as long as I can remember, but here lately, daddy has joined the push. While I know this means more work for me, since I am primarily the one home most of the time with the girls, I can't help but think of the joy getting a puppy will give to my family. So, I caved and on Saturday we drove the 3 hours to Omaha to get Daisy . She is such a sweet girl! But she is definitely a puppy, potty-training is a constant job with her and she nips more than she should. But she is also a little snuggler and its so nice to have the girls around her. She likes to help wake them up in the mornings before school and daycare and I think they are really enjoying her. Piper got down on the floor and played with Daisy last night, I am so proud of her. She was a little anxious around her at first but each day she gets a little braver and takes it on. Parker...