Lots to Celebrate!

May has always been such a busy month in our family. It starts off with my mom's birthday, which was a big one this year! She turned 50 and looks fabulous! I hope those genes will continue to be passed down! She is such a wonderful mom and an even better grandma! The girls adore her and are so blessed to have two fantastic grandmas all within a 5 minute drive!

Then we head into Mother's Day which happened to be on my Oma's(German for Grandma) birthday this year. What a great day to be celebrated! She has Alzheimers and while we've had some up's and down's since her diagnosis, she seems to be happy with where life has taken her for now!

Of course, there are some Dodds birthdays in there as well! Both of my sister-in-laws celebrate their days, Brandi in the middle of the month and Heather at the end of the month. With mine somewhere in between, my mother-in-law Pat has alot to remember, but she handles it well!

My best friend of 25 years, Deneen, turns 30 two days before I do! (something I always like to rub in!) So this month is jam-packed, but gives us so much reason to celebrate and gets us ready for June which is just as crazy with a niece's birthday, Kris' birthday and of course Father's Day! YIKES!

Here are some recent pictures from Mother's Day celebrations at both grandparents' and Piper's preschool celebration! She's ready for Pre-K, while Parker is trying her hardest to get completely potty-trained for her first year of preschool!


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