Bug stories....

Kris and I got quite the scare yesterday when Piper decided to take a tumble while collecting bugs at daycare. According to Allie, her co-bug collector, Piper was carrying a bucket of Rollie Pollies, Slugs and more when she lost her footing on the deck and fell head over heels, literally. Allie says Piper smacked the back of her head on the concrete. Our daycare provider, Cheryl, rushed Piper inside and did the usual work-over. Tyenol, ice and checking her pupils. After a few minutes, Cheryl says Piper seemed fine and was allowed to go back outside. A few minutes after that, Cheryl noticed Piper had fallen asleep on the trampoline. So once again Piper was rushed inside the house and checked over, all while Cheryl called me to fill me in on what happened.

Of course I texted Kris, who was on the ambulance about what happened and called our pediatrician who said to bring her on in. On my way over to daycare, Cheryl said Piper started vomitting so I knew it was more than just a bump on her head. As I pulled onto their street, I saw the ambulance and had instant fear hit my heart. Of course, that fear subsided when I realized it was my loving husband, who wanted to check out our daughter himself. We agreed to go ahead and take her to the Emergency Room just to be safe.

We did our best to keep her calm and awake when they decided to get her in for a CT Scan. At this time, my mom, who knew what happened because I called her at work, could hardly contain herself, showed up at the ER just to be sure Piper was ok. Piper got a little freaked out by the CT Scan at first, but the radiology tech soothed her into the big tube. I had a mix of feelings watching our oldest lay in this enormous machine. I noticed how small and helpless she looked in there. At the same time, I was amazed by how brave and big she really is. I also couldn't help but be thankful for how blessed Kris and I are to have to HEALTHY little girls. It made me think of all of the parents who have to watch their child go through test after test only to get horrible news or news of more tests. We are so blessed that it is only a mild concussion, a black eye of the brain essentially. I know for Kris it was hard to see our daughter in pain and not be able to do much for her, as a paramedic and as a daddy. God has truly blessed Kris and I, and I think after yesterday's scare, we are more aware of that fact today! Thankfully, all is well on the CT Scan and all is well for Piper!

One of my favorite pictures of Miss Piper!


kristen lewis said…
Poor baby! I am so glad that she is OK.

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