
 It's June. I'm not even sure where time went from December on. Yet, here we are.

P1 has graduated high school. It was a rough 4 years, so many ups and downs and of course the whole COVID experience. She learned so much both academically and then of course personally. Her view on the world has changed so much since she first walked in those doors. I love seeing her shine and the excitement about taking on the world. She decided a couple of weeks ago, to stay in town and go to the college so many of us have gone to, rather than go two hours away. It was a smart choice, but one she had to make on her own. I'm proud of her for thinking beyond college, especially fiscally. She leaves for New York City in less than a month, a great gift for her 18th birthday, thanks to our niece Shelby, who both had the idea and is the one taking her. I know it will be the first of many adult experiences!! 

P2 is headed into her senior year. She just went on her first trip without us and is getting ready to go on her second one next week. A rough summer for the girls, but I'm glad we can do it for them. I am hoping it her senior year of high school is the best one. The struggle has been so real, but I think she is stronger because of it. I'm ready to watch her cheer and just enjoy the time as it comes.
Kris and I are headed into a pretty big medical and health choice. We wrap up our mutual doctor's appointments, and will hopefully have a better idea of when we can start our official health journey. I'm ready to feel good and be able to just live. I know he is feeling the same way.
Maybe one of my goals for myself is writing again. Maybe.


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