The New Normal?

I've been working from home for a month today.

The girls have been doing school from home since March 30th. P1 a little earlier with her College Spanish class.

Kris has been working as normal. A little less with his part-time job as people don't have as many reasons to take off work for him to fill in.

Each shift he comes home, I look for signs. I ask questions about patients. I wait. I'm sure I am annoying.

I got to see my mom yesterday. We met at a local coffee shop that my friend and her partner opened up March 17th. A horrible time to open a new business, but thankfully, the East Siders seem to be giving them some love. I ordered our coffee, and backed my SUV up to line up with mom's window. We chatted in our vehicles for about an hour. It was good to see her. The girls and I did a drive by her house last week to say hi. She went into the hospital March 12th, right as the governor declared school pushed out two weeks. When she left the hospital, school was closed for the rest of this school year. She's been able to go back to work a few hours here and there, as the Lottery is deemed essential in some regards. She feels pretty optimistic, I guess spending some time in the hospital with a raging blood infection will put things in perspective. I'm really grateful she was able to be in there and get better. I hope it was what she needs to get going in a more positive direction.

My heart goes to people I know who live alone. I have a couple of nieces who've we facetimed, so I'm sure that has helped some. Especially my niece who lives about 200 miles away. She always seems to rock life. We did break quarantine for one, she took the girls for a walk around the lake with her dog. She needed it. They needed it too. Her dad is deployed in a not so great place right now, so anything we can do to life spirits. My dad is alone, but he always is. I think he is spending time at my brother's to break it up.

I panicked when we went to Walmart this weekend. Or maybe it wasn't panic, maybe just built up anxiety, but the emotion train hit me when we left. Kris has been generous to go shopping for us, as he deals with the public each shift. But I felt brave enough to go in. I don't know why, but it was not my thing. I think I will stick to sending him, which isn't really fair, or order. Either way, so not normal.

P1 spent the first couple of weeks angry, bitter even. She spent most of her days and nights in her bedroom. She misses school. She misses actually learning. Let's be honest, these high schoolers are being given nothing but busy work. She can do it, she is driven but she is still a little pissed off. We got her, her first vehicle. We planned on doing it over spring break and having fun with picking it up in KC and going to dinner. Well one word, CORONA. We had to wait awhile because once this all went down, we didn't get the vehicle we originally picked out. Not that she has anything really to drive to with school closed and softball cancelled and her job postponed. We finally got it in the works and it arrived on April 5th. So now, anytime we run an errand, she drives. But she and sister are not allowed to go in anywhere. We are not taking any chances. She seems a little happier, especially driving. She has made up playlists depending on her mood. Here's to hoping she will continue to work out, find some happiness and not lose sight of the hard work she has put in.

P2 is not a fan of busy work. She is not a fan of self-driven online learning. We've struggled. We've had some break downs. It gets better and then two steps back. All of her hard work getting her anxiety under some control, fell apart. Kris and I are trying our best to motivate and encourage. She is so much stronger and smarter than she ever gives herself credit for. I know she misses the social aspect of school. I know she does better with one on one "TEACHING" rather than being just given work. I pray every day we can keep her going and help her to be even stronger and better for her sophomore year. She was going to get to play high school softball with her sister. Hopefully that will happen next year. Not sure what the status will be on summer travel ball. It's looking pretty iffy right now.

I am anxious about May 3rd. I don't want it to be rushed, and I don't want to leave our girls to their own devices. Literally. I have requested to work from home on the days Kris works. My employer is amazing and I don't think they want to rush anything either. I pray our governor or county decides to phase things in rather than have masses all rush back. It's so hard to know what to believe in the news or online, I mean more than usual. The conspiracy theories always interest me some, and I am so over people bashing everyone online etc. I'm sleeping, but it's not restful. I am drinking more wine and hoping to get my booty from the constant pantry shopping. I know we can all do better. There are days I rock the better. Then there are days I am thankful I at least brushed my teeth. I dislike the unknown for the girls, that is my biggest stress. I dislike the 3% paycut proposed for my husband and his fellow firefighters. But we will get through this. I have faith. I'm trying to lead my family in that direction too.


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