Summer is ending, ready for fall

I wonder if we will actually get a fall. Spring was non-existent. One weekend we were at the ball fields in coats and hats, the next we were slathering on sunscreen and sweating. Kansas you do crazy things to us. Could we just go back to 4 seasons again? I like the 4 seasons and what they bring.

I've loved our summer. It was shorter for me than I'm used to. Trying to decide if it is time for me to get an adult job and leave the district and work more and make more. OR if I should stay put and offer the stability I've been able to offer to the girls for high school. 99.9% of me wants to do that. I love what I do, who I work with and for. I love being home with the girls when I can be. I LOVE THIS! However, I worry about the strain it puts on us financially. Being an adult is fun.

Our summer was a blast. Celebrated Little P's big 13! Traveled for softball to Missouri and then to Colorado. I love our summers. I also loved the down time after the big tournaments. We relaxed, made no plans and snuggled. I love that our girls still snuggle. I pray that is forever.


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