Random musings

It is almost October. We are rolling into one of my favorite times of the year. Ok, let's be honest, I find something I like about every time of the year, but fall is always so restful. The weather change, the clothing required, hoodies, comfy pants, snuggling under a blanket around a bonfire. I love it. The apple smells, the pumpkin smells, the warm soups, the crunch of leaves that are so beautiful its a shame to see them fall. I love Halloween, and kiddos in cute costumes. Wow, I sound all mushy and mom like. Weird.

Maybe it is the weather today. So much nicer than the ball of humidity we walked around in yesterday. I don't mind heat, but that whole humidity that makes your lungs feel like they can pop, I don't find anything favorite in that.

I am avoiding my homework tonight. I have to write about an article I found and how it relates to the every so boring textbook we have for the class. I found an article on the BBC, one of the only resources I can use. I am not feeling anything about it other than I don't feel like doing it. It isn't due just yet, but I like to be way ahead of schedule on assignments. A far cry from my last go at college, where my best work was the night before it was due. But this whole mom, wife, working full time, driving a portable locker room thing, makes me have go plan things out a bit more than I did back then.

But avoidance is my game tonight. I will still mop the floors and fold laundry. So at least part of my list will be accomplished.

Thankfully our middle school daughter isn't the queen of procrastination yet. She is rocking 7th grade. She is making friends and busting her 4.2 GPA behind! So proud of her. It is weird to see her growing up. I was warned the jump from elementary school to middle school would be huge. I didn't believe it, I was in total denial. But here we are. She is growing in so many ways. I am very proud of her. I would love to be half the person she is. She amazes me.

Our 6th grader is rocking the school year too. She has a teacher who is giving her a chance to be herself without any pretenses. I love that. Her teacher is young but not naive, and has developed a good bond with her. I so appreciate teachers that allow children to prove themselves rather than prove their previous teacher or teachers wrong. She is thriving in math and socially. She has found out the hard way, that some kiddos are exposed to so much more than she is. We have had to have some pretty honest and grown up conversations this year already. But I love her strength and her bravery.

Kris and I are at the crossroads of our weight loss journey. No more losses but thankfully no gains. Gotta try something new and work on the fitness aspect of it now. I've got a 5K or two to run in November. Let's get this party started...


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