Peace out 2015!

I have never been one to wish time away. I don't care what day of the week it is. (Thursday has always been my favorite, not sure why) And I do not like to say I can't wait for this or that, because I think time is such a gift and wishing it away is not fair. But with that being said, 2015 can kiss my ass.

There I said it. Whew! There are a lot of blessings that have came our way in 2015, I will not deny those. But overall, the past month or so, has truly left a dark cloud on this year. In fact, the cloud goes back now several years, but I can not change that nor do I want to undo any of the good that has come in our lives these past several years. However, I am ready to put that behind me and make 2016 a year to reclaim what has been taken. For the past several years, we pick a word or a phrase that we make our theme for the new year. I have decided mine will be reclaim. I have a lot of ways this word will be useful for myself, and my family. But at this present time, I will keep most of that to myself, as I don't want to spoil it or cause any heartache along the way. But I will reclaim my heart and my soul and make some major life changes for me, so I can be my best for those I love. So I guess I gave a little insight into my plan. But it will be a better year, a stronger year, a happier year. And I refuse to give into anything that might make it something else.

The girls are trekking on as children do. Big P had a very eventful birthday as she is in her last year now before the teens hit. Sigh. Again, time keeps on ticking and I would really like to tell Mother Nature what she can do with her time, but we take it for what it is. And I will do my best to guide Big P and enjoy this age. She is again excelling at so many things in school. Math comes easy. She asks for homework. Which is a good thing to want considering middle school will bring plenty of that next year. She doesn't excel socially, that is Little P's area. But she has made some different friends this year and is finding her way, some. Thankfully we have a great softball trainer who is helping her find some confidence that we hope will carry over in all elements of her life, not just sports. She is once again on the Sum Day team, so grateful she is talented in many areas. I love watching her grow.

Little P is working hard. She is on a General Education Intervention, for math and for certain areas which she seems to have had a block with in recent years. This has helped her tremendously! She is finding confidence and working hard! I am so proud of her! I love seeing her work come home with ES'. (the equivalent of an A). She is enjoying school again, not just the friends part but the actual learning part. I pray this continues to work for her! We are our children's best advocates and I will not let anyone shake me down when it comes to their needs.

I love my job. I love working with my co-paras/teachers. I truly can see the difference being made. I love it! I love that I have some writing opportunities coming. It is a great time for that. I am ready to be creative and to keep tapping that inner energy that comes from using my talents too. It is nice to get some recognition for it as well. Simple things, I know, but fun and useful just the same.

Life is complicated. A year ago, I was naive but also aware on another level. I refuse to be that way ever again. And if anything I've learned this past month, never ever will I question my instincts.


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