Fall 2015

A new school year has begun. Both girls are enjoying it so far. Thankfully, some of the issues we've experienced with little P have found some resolve. Her teacher this year has truly gone to bat for her, and we are going in a different direction. One I know will help her in so many ways. Thankful to be part of such a great school. Big P is enjoying 6th grade so far, her class has gotten pretty small with boundary changes and kiddos leaving. Less girls = less drama mostly. Although her competitive streak gets the best of her sometimes. I do enjoy it though, she is strong willed and stands up for what is right, nothing wrong with that. I just have to remind her sometimes, that she needs to chill out, just a little.

Life is slowing down some as it often does when fall ball comes to an end. Of course I am typing this on our only sunday off this month. But, tis the life and it's a life we love, for the most part. Finding balance is what we are working on, and both girls are wanting that. Explaining that to coaches or family members can be tricky sometimes. I try to remind myself that I can't expect everyone to understand our reasoning or our desires, but it is absolutely up to us to be our family's advocates. And I have to remind myself to give others grace. I can't expect others to treat me or the girls or Kris the way I would treat us, simply because we all have our own expectations and needs. However, I will not allow people to walk all over us either. That balance thing, always a work in progress. But one well worth it for sure!

We got family pictures taken this week. First time in a long time. And funny enough, this was the third time we had to reschedule due to rain. After the Royals pic, the storms came right in. Thankfully we got them in. A very nice photographer donated her time to us after the fire. So grateful for the many blessings we've received since the fire. I can't wait to see how the rest of them turn out!!

I am happy where I am. It was a hard choice, made several months ago. But one that is well worth it for my sanity, my happiness and the happiness of our family. To some, I will always be "just a para", but to the kiddos I work with, the teacher I work with and the girls, it is so much more. I guess I am just one of those people that prefer happy family over a strong and busy career. We all make our choices. And we have to remember what is right for one, may not be for another. But casting judgement really isn't our call is it?

We are getting ready to jump into holiday season. After some great chats with the girls, Kris and I are changing things up a bit. More time devoted to serving others, and less time dealing with drama that sometimes is associated, okay, is most of the time associated with ALL family events. I know every family has drama. But we are trying to remind ourselves and our family, that the time we do get together is so short lived, do we really want to spend it being pissy with each other? I don't. So what if you don't like my life choices? I don't necessarily agree with yours either, however, we are family so we should make the best of it. Right? Well here's to hoping. I love my family. I wanna slap a few family members from time to time, but I'm sure I am on a slapping list too. Hey, its what makes us family right? Embrace it, because you never know when people will no longer be with us, slapping and all.


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