Finding our way...

Ok. I apologize for my last post. It was very pissy. Without going into too much detail, there are other deciding factors on our funky funkiness.....

But after some great conversations and some not so great conversations, I am happy to say we are on our way. Finding our way this holiday season.

We all make our choices, and what you may chose, I may not. But it doesn't make either direction wrong as it is our OWN path. Sadly, with the fire we have lost some people we've considered friends and some we even considered family. They lost site of good deeds and our feelings. And we've let them go.

Finding our way. One inch at a time. But with faith, and love and lot of pixie dust. Ok maybe not pixie dust. Disney won't share that stuff for whatever reason. But with the other two, we will make it and be stronger for it.


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