There's No Place Like Home

We are home. Six and a half months after our fire we moved home. I went by weeks, I'm strange I guess, but week wise, it was six and a half months.

There are still boxes in each room. Mainly, because we are so overbooked right now. Softball, soccer and PTO on top of Kris' work schedule. But we are making some progress. I am very much ready to have our home in order. Just need to find the time and the energy. But, everything we own is in our home. It is a very peaceful feeling!

It is funny to come across things we need and no longer have. I went to make the girls muffins for breakfast the other morning and realized I do not own a mixing bowl of any kind, or even a bowl large enough to work with. I improvised with a baking dish. But the list of needs is definitely growing.

The girls are happy to be home. A little anxious and missing our boy. Big P says it doesn't quite feel like home yet. We will get there. I am not going to lie, our bed is phenomenal. It may pose a problem come winter. 15 degree days may make it hard to roll out of that massive, comfy thing. In fact, I would very much like to just go hop into it now. But, things need done. Right?

Life is good. We are home again. We are moving forward and not backward. We are living. This is the cross Kris had cut out of the wall in our kitchen a couple of weeks after our fire. It is the stain left behind from a cross we got on our wedding day. The cross is charred and ruined but the mark left behind was very inspiring. Kris was going to give this to me on our anniversary, but chose to wait until our first night home. A piece of the ruin, meant to inspire and give us hope.


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