Here we go

It has been five months. Five long but short months. It has gone by fast, but yet, it hasn't. It is a strange thing to try and explain. A lot has changed while we wait. Some for the best, and some not. My faith in people has grown tremendously, but in the same breath, I've had to learn to lower expectations of some. The support is still here, though life has gone on. Relationships have changed. We have changed. Mostly for the better. But I fight the negativity monster every day. Someone has invited it in, and I am trying extremely hard to push it out. Perhaps it is part of the healing process? There has to be a "down" time right? Maybe its the anticipation of more change. School starts this week. I go back Monday, the P's Wednesday. Fall activities are in full force. Maybe the stress of balancing those with school is too much. Maybe it is the upped deadline of when we get to go home. Late September. We still have so much to order furniture wise. Finding the time to do that isn't as easy as it sounds. Taking kids to places like Nebraska Furniture Mart isn't really a productive thing to do. That place is packed full of crazy. I know how they feel. WOW! This is cool! Oh Mom, check this out! I've been there. I've been a kid. Finding time for just Kris and I, well that would be a miracle. So we have to be flexible. Sometimes, this is easier than others. And the financial stress of it, well that is a different post for another day.

The paint is going up. The walls are primed and ready. Ceilings are painted. Cabinets delivered and awaiting installment. Things are going. Hope is lingering. Life is changing. Here we go...


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