
I love July. Even though it means August is around the corner, meaning school starts in the blink of an eye. But I still love July. I love the heat, the celebrations surrounding holidays, little P's birthday and our anniversary. I love the softball World Series. I love the long days and hot nights. I love July. This year, July is closer to our going home date. Which we still don't have. BUT we do have walls!!

It has been a summer like no other. We have truly gotten closer as a family. Kris is not working his part time jobs, only spending his 24 hours shifts at the fire department. It is an adjustment, I am used to a lot more just me and the P's time, which we don't get as much of now that we are not at home. But it has been fun. We spend a lot of time just laughing and being silly. But most importantly, we are getting to know each other better. I guess there are blessings hidden in all of this. We are definitely a much stronger family unit now.

For the 4th we did something new. No morning rush to a pancake feed, or dancing at the local festival. Kris and the girls slept in until at least 10. Kris came home the day before with strep throat. Every 4th we've ever spent together, even before we had the girls, was spent getting up early and rushing here and there. We did spend the day at his parents' house, where we live, swimming and hanging with family. The only difference was that the drama makers were not in attendance. It was nice and relaxing. We had a softball family join us and they added to the relaxing portion of it. The family left so it was just us and the friends and we had a low key holiday. I think we should have it like that every year.


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