16 weeks...

16 weeks tomorrow. I know I may seem a little crazy by counting the weeks, but our lives have changed. We are not home and sometimes the counting keeps me from going insane, well kind of.
There is progress. Cabinets and countertops ordered, sheet rock is going up later this week and we have begun the process of ordering appliances and furniture. So things are moving after a small standstill. The time has been quick but it also feels like time has been standing still. It has been nice getting to know Kris' parents and the girls getting to know their grandparents, but we are all ready to go home. Thankfully our girls are busy, which may seem a little too busy to some, but its the life we know and better to busy and out of the way. Plus, I think it helps the girls keep their minds off the fire. I've noticed when we have some down time, they start to think about what was lost. I know the transition into the house will be bittersweet. Just looking at pictures from directly after the fire, I am already seeing things we lost that I forgot about. But they lost everything they loved. So I have to keep this in mind when they want to talk. The hardest part is still our Higbee. For all 4 of us. We've had people offer us puppies and dogs and some even say "it was just a dog". To some he probably was just a dog, but to us he was family. To the P's, he was their best friend. What if we get another puppy and they're not as sweet or caring? We can't just replace him. Some day we will get another 4 legged kid, but we are definitely not ready now, especially since we are not home yet. But the generosity of some has been again, awesomely overwhelming. A not so great family member, said we should get over all of this already. Now punching people isn't something I condone, but that moment I was ready to ready to channel my inner Holyfield. But I thought better and smiled and reminded them, "That is easy to say when you're life has gone on. But we are still in limbo, but then again, I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand." and left it at that. Again, can't let the assholes ruin the good that has come from this. But man punching may have been more fun.


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