Answers, surgery, antibiotics and more.....

So I've had a lot of weird health things. Heck, you can read about most of these on here. But I have answers! And thankfully some of those answers are much easier to swallow. Without boring you to death with the details, tomorrow I get my tonsils out. This is the first step into getting healthy. I keep hearing horror stories about people getting their tonsils out as adults. The magic number seems to be age 35. Well isn't that a coincidence?

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. That is my plan. I am required to take a week off from work and have been told it could be two weeks before I feel ok to do much of anything. This is just a positive step toward getting healthy. I have dvr'd a ton of movies. Have lot of books to read and am ready to be taken care of by my hubby and the P's. And of course my mama. And I have some pretty awesome friends who are stepping up to help with the girls and their various activities. I am truly blessed. I may be the only person in the world ready to get their tonsils out.

Its funny how the actual surgery will take anywhere from 15-30 minutes. Just weird.

I have enjoyed the past two days off with the P's for snow days. Winter definitely reminded us she is still in fact, here. The 13 inches we got over the last two days is beautiful, but I am ready for softball season. And wouldn't mind a beach. Kris is taking off some time to help me out and after the last two days of his work, I'm sure he will need it as much as me.

The P's are doing great in school. Big P is on her way to perfect attendance. Little P is rocking the state assessment prep packets. I do worry though, she has major test anxiety and with the new common core standards, its a tough thing to prepare for. Thankfully her visual impairment isn't as much of an issue this year. I hope that continues. It really boils down to her believing she can do it, because once she wants to, boy watch out. Big P is going through some of those changes that make her more moody, more clingy and more unsure of herself on some days. Other days, she still whoops butt on the basketball court at school and can stop most attempts at soccer goals at recess. School work for her comes easily, and I hope this continues. She just gets it. Her teacher is giving her algebra and other enrichment projects, which includes painting. One of her favorite things to do. I love watching them grow and learn. Truly one of the best parts about being a parent.

Here are some pics from our recent time off.....I do love working in a school district, not just for snow days I promise.

The P's before the KU Women vs Baylor game. It was super hero day and they picked a non traditional super hero...Superman has nothing on daddy.
Super Bowl fun which tied in nicely with snow day number one. These girls are rainbow looming fools, though they have come up with some pretty neat looking ideas!
Not to be forgotten. This is Higbee's way of avoiding the cleaning of the ears, despite the fact that I had a nice, tasty treat on my leg waiting for them.
The P's insisted on shoveling with me yesterday, but they didn't anticipate the snow being so heavy. At least they can help each other right?
More shoveling, let me just make a disclaimer that their attention spans on said job were short. They did get some sledding or tubing down our hill in, before the snow got too heavy and the winds too hard. Nothing says snow day like a cup of soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
In between helping his parents, lots of neighbors and other family members, Kris was able to work on our drifted driveway today. All of this in between various fire shifts and spending 5 hours on the highway last night cleaning a diesel spill. Thank you!


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