
My word for 2014.

Lots of things need refreshing in my life. Mostly, me.

This is my year to do that.

Lots of goals, and plans.

Be a better wife, a better mom, less distracted (that means putting my phone down) and enjoying those mom moments. Hug until they stop hugging, because sometimes kids need held for as long as possible.

Be a better friend and daughter. Enough said.

Get organized. My lack of organization here these past few years is STRESSING ME OUT. I am a tad bit OCD and while I can't control what my family does, I will set a better example instead of just giving into the clutter.

GET HEALTHY. Yes. In all aspects, physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially. All of it.

Work on hobbies, writing, photography, getting those pics in order. Making books for my family to enjoy and remember.

Laugh more. Oh I love to laugh. The kind that takes your breath away.

Worship more, at home and at church. I need to connect more spiritually.

And some other stuff for our home.

I like starting over. I like the promise that things can change. But they can't until I do.


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