And we're off....

The school year has taken off. So much so that I started this post a week ago and am just now getting to it.

Ah tis' the life when sports collide and school starts and there are things to do every night and every weekend. While I enjoy this time of year, October means less craziness. But for now, we are having a blast.

Kris has been gone with trips and work so mom and I have been taking on activities together. Without my mama, I'd be a mess. She is a great friend and a great inspiration to me and the girls. So thankful for her!

The P's are finishing up softball, both with new teams. Big P had played with the Peaches for 5 seasons, but after a rocky one between her and the new coach, she made the big girl choice of finding another team. There is something to be said when a 9-year-old picks up on unnecessary politics. But bad feelings aside, I am proud of her choice. She tried out for several teams but ended up going with the Spark, the team Little P spent her season with last year. They had to move up to 10U and we didn't feel Little P was quite ready for that. The Spark is such a great team, great coaches and great parents. Big P fits right in as catcher and third base. She is happy, she loves softball again and she already has built in friends. She did panic a little a couple of weeks ago when their team made it to the championship game. "Mom I've never played for a team that was in the championship game before. What do I do?" I simply said, "Play softball? And have fun!" She did and they took second! Not bad for their first tournament as a team in 10U! Can't wait to see what these girls can do!

Little P found her place with the Rockets, an 8U team that we already knew. She took another 8 year old Spark with her K, and they are inseparable. Her coach was her girl scout leader and she joins a couple other firefighter daughters on the team, which makes a good fit for our family too. Her team has been rocking the tournaments. They just spent yesterday playing all day and took their second first place round! Two first place trophies in a month. We are going to need to get some shelves! So proud of her. Her sass and her abilities have put her in the top of the line up and she is making some awesome plays at second base.

And of course there is soccer. They started their first EVER season last fall with the Topeka Lightning. They spent last fall and last spring kicking butt and taking names. This season is a tad different. We have an older girl on the team, and in an effort to keep the team together, coach asked to play the entire team up. We all agreed and couldn't wait. However, Sunflower Soccer, wasn't impressed with us beating a bunch of older girls in Rec league last year. So they forced us to move into the Classic league, which is competitive. Let me be clear on this, we weren't really excited about TWO competitive sports. BUT we didn't have a choice. And now we are feeling what its like to get our butts kicked by girls in 6th grade! Sigh, its a painful, learning season but our little girls are holding on and we are seeing some great improvement. Yesterday was the best I've ever seen them play and while we didn't get the W, we rocked that field! And truly, we are very blessed with an amazing soccer coach. Justin has done a lot for these girls and we can't just walk away from that. Next season, I think we will play more in our age group? Sadly though, some parents on the team have put a target on our back with their negativity and it seems Sunflower has it out for our coach. :( So we will see! For now, our girls love it! Big P is a rocking goalie and Little P has enough spunk as  forward, so fun to watch. I'm sure one of them will make a goal this season!

We are coming up on two years in our own house. So much we want to do, but budget wise, we have to be realistic. Time wise we have to be realistic too. Today is a rest day. I am going to try and get caught up on laundry, (is this EVEN possible?) and do some outside stuff. Plant some mums, clean up the bushes etc. I am so ready for fall. MY FAVORITE time of year. I need to get some regularly scheduled exercise going this week. I ran last week, it wasn't pretty, remnants of chest cold made themselves known, but I got a run in. This week I'd like to get 3 in. So we shall see. Looking forward to seeing "Unstoppable" with Kris Tuesday. A much needed date night on a school night, man we are rebels!

I am working on a writing project, actually two. Fingers crossed that I get to start writing for a local magazine. It would be a nice outlet for me! And a little extra income which is nice too! And my book idea has taken off. My editor in chief, aka my niece Whitney, has helped me get going. Can't wait to see where it takes me. But it better not be past 11pm, because this girl needs her sleep!

Ah fall has arrived and with it, less crazy, I hope!

Oh yeah, not to be forgotten, but our 4 legged child turns 4 next week! He is calming down, not so crazy anymore. Still very Marley like, but we love our Higbee! He is truly an important part of this family!

Oh and GO ROYALS!!! We've been to 5 games this season! Hope they keep the train rolling!


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