Catch up

Where oh where has summer gone? I know, the ball fields! That is where we spent most of our summer. And last night was awards night. There is almost a sadness, or empty feeling when their sports seasons end. Maybe its because we know we won't be seeing all of those families and friends on an almost daily basis or maybe because now we have to fill our time with unscheduled events. Like cleaning. BLAH!

We had a great softball season for the most part. Little P was part of a brand new team, families from Big P's team through the years and just random people thrown together to make the Spark. And wow those girls had spunk. From being the little team that could to being the Cinderella story of the 8 under softball world. If you would have told me that these tiny little girls from the October Monster Bash tourney would take 4th in the World Series, I probably would have laughed. But they proved themselves time and time again and they reminded us all what sports are about. Learning, growing and most of all, having fun. Little P had the time of her life and made some life long friends. The families on this little team became our friends, our supporters and our helpers when we needed to lean on them for crazy schedules. I will miss them but thankfully we are still a Spark family next year, just on a different scale.


Big P had a rough season. FINALLY had girls together on a team that got a long and she made some friends. She isn't the social butterfly her little sister is. She is my worrier. My over analytical one. Her confidence has been low for quite awhile and Kris and I continue to work to bring her back up. She has been a Peach since she was 5. That's 4 seasons with a core group of girls and coaches. Things were mixed up a bit this year with another parent stepping up. And sadly, despite the money and time and effort put in, it was a rough year. Her coach was over-extended on his coaching since he coached his son's team too, so consistency was not there. Some things we questioned along the way and eventually asked about, sent red flags up and she was the one who bore the brunt of that. She was simply not coached this year. And she felt it. She tried her best and amazed us with her natural skills as an athlete but for some, it was not good enough. We have always let her pick what she wants to do team wise. This year, she has chosen to not return to the Peaches. I am proud of her. She knows she wasn't coached well and despite our best efforts, treated well. A wise 9-year-old and one who sees and knows her own potential and has found a team that will work with her on building that. She is now a Spark.

WOW! When did our kids sports get so political and crazy?! Sigh! Its a bit ridiculous and sadly I don't see it changing. Grateful for the coaches we do have in our girls' lives. Little Phas found a younger team, all her age, to move up with and grow with. She tried out and amazed us all. So I know they will both be in good hands. And they have the same, strong network with their soccer coach as well. I do have to say this has worn me down some.  So I am looking forward to spending the rest of our summer doing the summer things. Sleeping in some, (not too much as so we can get back on school routine) swimming, organizing, playing and just enjoying each other. No more rigid days of schedules for a little while at least.

Health wise. We are all doing better. Little P gave us a scare last month. Thought she had a jammed toe, ended up with a cut from church camp which turned into Cellulitis. Nothing fun about a little girl's toe turning black! Thank goodness she is almost all healed up. There is a little scar on her toe to remind us of course. My gall bladder, celiac and other things have been ruled out. So apparently I stress too much. Supposed to reduce that. HA! Well I am trying. Focusing on breathing more and bottling up less. And trying harder, much harder to take better care of ME.

Little P turned 8 yesterday. 8!?!?!?!?! Wow. She seems so much older. Her face is leaner, no more baby cheeks. She is determined and sassy and well Little P. So proud of her. And so proud to her mommy.


NOW to get those two to stop fighting.......


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