Softball, gallbladders and snakes oh my....

I'm less angry today. Which is good. I've learned to change my attitude about the things I can not change and the things that truly have nothing to do with me. Today is a new day, a beautiful, sun is finally shining and no rain in the forecast kind of day. Enjoying summer break as well as I can with the girls. Hoping to make a lot of check offs on their summer bucket list.

Our world revolves around softball at the moment. Which is what I expected and oddly enough, enjoy. The girls are on two seperate teams since little P has to be in the 8 and under league and big P is in the 10 and under. I like that, though it makes for lots of running around, it gives them their own identity. They do play on the same soccer team, that is truly for my own sanity but also because they can be competitive with each other and drive each other to do better. We had a semi break from the ball diamonds this week. In fact, this weekend is the first and only for awhile that we wont be sitting at the diamond all weekend.


I had my PIPIDA or dye test for my gall bladder yesterday. It was boring but interesting and more than anything uncomfortable. I don't mean to sound whiney at all, just laying under the MRI machine for two hours is hard for anyone to do. Its not the most comfortable and even the best backs get stiff. It was however, very interesting to watch the dye move through me and see how my gall bladder is malfunctioning first hand. Hope to set a date for removal soon. And hopefully I can get it on a day where I have some time to recoup before tourneys etc.

Last night was the P's last night of swim lessons. For the past two summers we spent our time with a local family and had a set class. This year, that family changed it up and only offered private lessons for a handful of families. The mother of the group is retiring from daycare etc., so next year we may have to look elsewhere. I am grateful the P's did get to be part of the private lessons. And honestly, they know how to swim and swim pretty good, but this was more for confidence and a reminder before we jump into summer swimming.

When we got home last night, I opened the garage door as I usually do. But I noticed a snake had attached itself to the bottom of the door and watched it fall into the garage. Now, my husband is not a snake enthuisast. In fact, he is down right terrified of them. The P's have inherited that fear so I tried calmly to tell them to stay in the car, but as soon as they heard snake, they freaked out. So it was up to me to get this little thing out of our garage. I've never seen a snake in our yard other than the little black things that are harmless. But this guy was different. He was reddish brown and acted like he was a big rattlesnake and was very much aggressive. But he was little. So I took the broom and swept him right out, after of course taking a picture. He burrowed down into our yard and haven't seen him since. It was actually pretty funny, especially calming the girls down who both wanted their daddy. I had to remind them that daddy is pretty freaked out by snakes and it wouldn't do any good to add another screamer into the mix. I guess this is what I used to look like when spiders came around. Now I quietly freak out when no one is looking so I don't pass that fear onto them. Funny moment. Glad its over and hope he and his friends stay away.

Well onto the fun that is getting ready for garage sale. Our house looks like a hurricane hit it and I'm ready to get rid of stuff. Lots of it!

On a side note: here are some recent pix we had taken of the girls. I won an essay contest on why they're best friends and need their pix taken. Its the first time in a long time we've had professional pix taken of them. I feel kind of bad, but most of the time we take so many pix ourselves it works out.



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