Ready or not

Changes are happening as I type in my family. Later this month, my parents hit 32 years of marriage. But times have changed and things go in different directions and they are on the journey of divorce. Its a strange time. A weird time. An awkward time. A much need, should have happened a long time ago, time. Its also a bittersweet time. Sad in some aspects and freeing in others. I know both of them will land on their feet. Its just a matter of helping them to believe that. I feel like the parent now in some aspects. And I feel like I need to take care of them in others. Weird place to be. Not sure if we will ever be able to do things together as a full family or if we will become one of those multiple Christmases type of families. Praying they can both do well. And still be the parents and grandparents they want to be. I've been dealing with strange stomach stuff most of my life. But it has gotten a little stranger over the past few months. Finally got in with my doctor and its a simple answer. Gall bladder. Since its not an emergency situation (should that change though...) I have some time and lots of tests to make sure that is the exact cause. But now I have a plan and know what needs to be done between all of the poking and prodding. I hope that the surgery portion is a simple, quick procedure like planned and a quick recovery. I don't have time for anything else.


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