Snow days....and still counting

Thursday it snowed, and snowed, and snowed. So we had two snow days. Today is saturday, our third straight day of being home. There is another winter storm on the way for, wait for it, Sunday night into Monday morning. I'm thinking its a given, we will have another snow day. Normally I don't mind snow days. Get things done, play with the girls, have fun. However, our school district gave us ONE snow day this year. After having an abundance of them last year, and having to give the kids days off to even it out, they only felt it necessary to put one in. Thursday will mean we have to go to school on a teacher work day in April. Friday will mean we go through May 24th. Monday would mean we go back to school until after Memorial Day. BOO! C'mon people, we live in Kansas where we have 70 degrees on a Monday and a snow/ice storm on a Friday. Prepare!!! Sigh, we are getting in some good snuggling, some good laughs and time together. I wish Kris were here for all of it but he was part of the big snow fun on Thursday at least! Today, we are getting antsy. Thinking a movie outing may be in store!


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