9 years and counting on many, many more!

9 years ago Kris and I became parents for the first time. We were both terrified. Me more of the labor and delivery part at first, but both of us on "how in the world can we take care of someone so little and so vulnerable" part. I was in my last hour of back labor at this point 9 years ago. It was a long and painful 12 hours. No medicine offered could have taken the edge, but once it came time for me help Piper into this world, it became relatively easy. She decided when to make her appearance all on her own, very much like the person she is now. She's ready when SHE is ready. December 13th wasn't the day she wanted to arrive so she stayed put for five more days. I loved being pregnant, especially that second and third trimester when reality of carrying another life becomes pretty known. The kicking, the hiccups, the foot caught in my rib cage or the entire body flip that made my stomach have a corner for a brief time. I loved knowing that I was part of a miracle and that while they were in there, I was able to have say over what was around them. Now, life is a little scary. Their innocence prevails but the world around us has become even darker. Kris and I try very hard to keep their innocence and youth around. But sometimes, reality makes that hard. She understands what is going on better than I wish her to. But then again, she is growing up. And for that, I am thankful. Its been a wonderful 9 years, heres to many many many many many more. I love you P 1!


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