Looking Forward

We've finished up two weeks of school. Its been a little easier getting back into the routine this year. I'd like to thank Big P for that. She decided late last school year to take a break from dance this year so she could focus on sports. Little P wanted to add music lessons into her mix of activities, so dance was not an option there either. And what a relief, for now. Both are on competitive softball teams. Yes, I know COMPETITIVE at age 7 & 8, but it is what it is. As long as they enjoy these activities, we will continue them. Did I mention they are playing soccer this fall as well? First game was today, and boy the much needed rain made it a fun morning.
The P's and I spend a lot of time with my mom, we always have. But there have been some changes in her this past year or so. While there are things beyond her control, she is embracing the opportunity to enjoy life, try new things and put a lot of time and energy into her only grandchildren. I am very grateful for that. She is such a strong person, and finally, I get to see her let loose some. The P's are eating it up. In fact, instead of hurrying them along at Target last night, we joined in on the fun.
Kris and I celebrated 10 years of marriage on July 13th. For some, this may not be that big of a milestone, but for those who know us, truly know us, you see the reason to celebrate. We had originally planned on a big renewal party at the airport we were married at. And wow, so many people were wanting to celebrate with us. But, at one point, we realized the cost of the party was more than double what we had spent on the wedding 10 years ago. And to be honest, neither one of us are the type that are interested in the "hey look at me" the party seemed to represent. So, plan b was just a small renewal at the church we have attended for the past 5 years, with the man who helped us on our journey. We did just that with our parents, and siblings, followed by a small dinner afterwards. What a fun evening and one that means more than any big party would have. 10 years, a fun journey, filled with many ups and many downs, but one that I wouldn't change. The journey ahead, is one that we are both working on day by day. So grateful that I am married to my best friend. And that we have a happy, healthy family. It doesn't get much better than that.
Enjoying some of the benefits of changes we've made as a family here lately. Can't wait to see how far we go with these.....


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