Onto the living

Now that THAT is all said and done, I am onto the living that is my life. I spent a lot of time running while the girls were in arts camp these past two weeks. And one of my favorite songs has a part that says "We learn to live life out loud" and it made me think over and over how simple that concept, LLOL, truly is. I think over the past 24 hours, Kris and I have managed to set a good example of that. We took a whirlwind trip to St. Louis with the girls for a Dave Ramsey moment and it turned out to be one of the highlights of summer thus far. The girls have not stopped talking about seeing the Mississippi River and the Arch! Love seeing life through their eyes. And what beautiful eyes they are. The P's first Mississippi river encounter.....spitting to make a wish came right after this pic. The gateway to the West.... Checking out how sturdy the Arch really is... Big P is not quite sure she wants to go to the top... Little P was stoked...mommy played it like she was too.. Checking it out at 630 feet in the sky... Kris and I posing for a pic...same spot we went to almost 13 years ago on our first trip together. I love this pic...it was fun listening to them discuss all of the rooftop pools and hot tubs...they were so in awe of it all. I love how close these two are...sisterly love at 630 feet..


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