Time for a break

Summer break is almost here. WOOHOO! Today is my last Friday off to myself until next school year. I am not complaining at all, I am looking forward to spending that time with the girls and with Kris when he happens to be off, but I am enjoying the day with just me and Higbee as well. I'd like to say I have some big grandiose plans for my day, but I'm doing the responsible thing of paying bills and laundry so far. I'd like to eventually venture out and go GROCERY shopping. I know exciting stuff! Actually going by myself is kind of a treat. I do like having one of the girls with me, its nice to have that one on one time but I spend so much less when I'm by myself. I am hoping to get going on some meal planning this morning so my vultures, I mean daughters can have some healthy snacks and lunches for the first couple of weeks of summer. We are literally out of everything so it won't be a cheap trip, and I probably should be scanning local ads instead of blogging, but I have to have some ME time in here right? We have had an insane couple of weeks. Between softball, dance, Girls on the Run and just life in general, I think the P's and I are needing this break more than ever. I know both girls are a little sad to see the school year go. Little P is very sad to say goodbye to her teacher and is scared of 2nd grade. Big P however, is ready to get going on summer and come back to hopefully less girl drama next year. This has been a rough year for her. I know second grade is a little early for this already, but she has been caught up in the middle of some drama. We have been dealing with it as parents with the other parents all year, but this week has been the eye opener. I'm not saying my child is perfect, but after seeing some of the behavior from another girl, a "friend" lately, I can see that my daughter has been pushed around. Not physically, but this other girl has definitely controlled P and her friend H. And thankfully, it didn't take mommy pointing it out for P to see. Last night she said "mom, J thinks she is an adult and tries to make me act like one. Hello, I'm only 8 and if I want to play soccer with the boys instead of hang out with her, that's my choice. I can't wait to not be in the same class with her!" Very proud of her. She is the peacemaker and wants everyone to be happy and get along. It breaks my heart that her kindness has been taken advantage of, I hope she has learned there are some people not worthy of her time, but I hope it doesn't jade her already. Little P, well she has been our entertainer this year. Not a shock, we all know how she is. She is a strong-willed, happy little girl who doesn't let people walk all over her. I've seen some girl drama with her and some other girls already too, but instead of being part of it, she literally walks away and does her own thing. Its not surprising to see her play by herself at recess to avoid drama. She is content swinging on the monkey bars, or spinning around a balance bar. I am happy with what I see. I pray that it will carry over in her ability to believe in herself when it comes to school work. That's been a little rougher with her. But I know she is capable, its a matter of making sure she wants to be. Kris did the Warrior Dash a couple of weeks ago, we ran a 5 K as a family this past weekend. (Ok little P and I ran half but we RAN it!) I'm excited about what these activities are doing for our family. My goal is to make our summer break an active one! Extremely active. I've lost about 4 inches off my waist since the beginning of March and 12 total since last April (2011). This is huge! Such good changes, so see my grocery shopping may not be that cheap after all! Kris and I celebrate our 10 year anniversary this July. We have had a roller coaster ride that is for sure. No day is perfect but we have managed to find a way that has gotten us this far. Its definitely been a ride, and I hope 10 years from now I am blogging about our 20 years. The girls are excited that we have decided to have a little renewal ceremony, a party really. The nice part is that there are people who want to be there, and these are the people who have helped us along our journey. It hasn't been a perfect one, but I am grateful for what we've learned and where we've been. Looking forward to finding a pretty red dress...a much smaller dress than my wedding dress! I have had an idea stewing in my mind for a book, its a really good one I think. I can't describe it, but I can't wait to jump into it. Tonight may be the night, of course getting my family up at 6am for a softball game tomorrow may cut that writing time down, but I am excited, even if I'm the only person who will ever read it! I miss reading my voice. So much to look forward to on break. So grateful I have one!


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