Taking a step back

Its the middle of spring break. Our first day with the sun actually shining. Sadly, I don't know if the girls will get a chance to enjoy that. Instead, they are both pouting in their bedrooms after another round of fighting, and another round of outright defiance. Sigh.... Sometimes it feels the more we do for our children, the worse they behave. I remember my parents saying this a time or two growing up, so its definitely nothing new. But I am a little sad. We could have easily spent our morning working on spring cleaning their rooms and the afternoon outside. (of course the radar is making that seem less and less of an idea). But they had to take it a step further and fight over lip gloss. Yes, lipgloss. Then in my awesome momness, I yelled and sent them to their room. Another sigh.... We spent the day as a family yesterday, movies, friend over, dinner out. It was a great and expensive day. And you would think it would be enough to get some helpful children this morning. But no that is not the case. Third sigh..... Instead of blowing up even more, I am blogging. And thinking. Maybe we spend too much time with the TV on and iphones, ipads, ipods going. OK the TV thing is probably not true, we have only one in the house and its on MAYBE two hours a day if that. Of course it is break and they have been watching it more. Hmmm.... but i thing is true. I am on my phone a lot more of the day than I should be. My husband is as well. Then add in the other i items and well, there is too much technology and not enough interaction going on in this house. Fourth sigh.... I guess its time to take a step back. Otherwise things will not be getting done around here and quite frankly, I'm tired of the unfinished projects. Time to turn it off...and get our family life turned back on. Signing off to clean rooms....good times, good times!


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