it is where I begin

This post is about me...yikes. I don't even like typing that. But this is really for me, to look at and hold myself accountable. When I feel like giving in, I can look here and see what 'giving in' looks like. 1st picture: Before the major weight gain settled in. Late May 1999 I believe. This is Kasey, my parents first yorkie. Miss that boy!
2nd picture: Kris and I's second Christmas, 2000. A quick 50 lb gain in just a year's time. And so it begins!
3rd picture: Kris and I Christmas 2001. This picture always makes me cringe. I wanted that sweater when I worked at Eddie Bauer for a holiday job so bad, no one told me I looked like a gigantic orange pumpkin!
4th picture: Me and my good friend "little Lisa" on my wedding day, July 13, 2002. We didn't think she was going to be able to make it, so this was after me being completely surprised. And anyone who is over 5'0 looks enormous next to her.
5th picture: Me and my dad on my wedding day. A size 24 bride....
6th picture: Kris and I on our wedding day...a very happy day, thankfully!
7th picture: And a year and a half later...9 months pregnant with Big P....the heaviest I've ever been.
8th picture: Big P, Jackie Harris & me December 18, 2003. Jackie was my anchor on the morning show at Channel 27. Such a joyous day!
9th picture: And a year after that...December 2004 me and Big P in Texas visiting the Dodds extended family. Little did I know that I was about two months along with little P here.
10th picture: Little P's baby shower June and my cousins (I'm on the far right, not as big this pregnancy probably from chasing Big P around)
11th picture: July 2005....just about ready for Little P's arrival!
12th picture: October 2005: The P's, me and my brother Tim. Started to lose some of my many rebounds.
13th picture: April 2006, Little P and I at the in-laws...rebound in full swing.
14th picture: June 2006 The P's baptism...Aunt Brandi and Uncle Mike, their godparents. Brandi was pregnant with cousin Landon who would join us a couple of months later.
More pictures and reminders to come. Here we go!


stephanie miller said…
So proud of you for all the changes you are making...I am right there with you, girl! *hugs!* =)

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