Love, happiness and everything in between

I am happy to report that I am sitting in my bed, with my laptop, ignoring the laundry that is folded but needs put away. I promised a friend I would do something for me, even if its just 15 minutes of vegging, its for me. So here I am blogging. I was doing some Pinteresting, but that really can suck the time away and it makes me hungry, which is not a good thing at 10:18pm. But man, I am craving some cheesy potatoes! The girls went to bed without any fights tonight. We had a little 'come to Jesus' meeting earlier before Big P's basketball practice. (she is amazing at basketball by the way, such a natural. not to come across all braggy about my kiddo, but the girl has game!) We had the usual whining, fighting and just outright rudeness after school today and I had my limit! 'Santa' texted us before we went into practice and I have to say thank you to the man in red for getting through to the girls in a way I have been unable to! So thank you 'Santa' for helping restore the peace tonight! I am hoping this is the first step in finding peace in our house again! Last night my mom, mom-in-law, sister-in-law Brandi, sister-in-law Heather and Heather's mom went to the LOL Christmas event sponsored by the women's ministry at church. A night of sweet treats and christian comedians. Such a wonderful event and so very needed. Kris was on duty so my dad stepped up and watched the P's so mom and I could enjoy some adult time out. What a great night, and I could not have spent the time with better ladies. I laughed so hard I had actual tears streaming down my face. I need that every day. My goal for the rest of the year, is to find something to laugh at, even if it is myself. Which hey, laughing at ourselves isn't bad right? I love Chrismas music, and I would like to think I sound just like Celine Dion in her version of "O Holy Night" so just between you and me, I am that awesome of a singer. But to the rest of the world, I sound like the off key girl trying out for High School Musical. The P's are amazing singers, and not to brag too much on my girls, but they really have their daddy's knack for catching a song on key. And they have this amazing ability of memorizing a song the first time they hear it. Of course Little P was was singing "Jolly Ol' St. Nicklaus" the other day but her version was "Johnny Old Saint Nicklaus". How can you deny a child a huge smile when you hear that?! I am looking forward to Thursday night when their classes put on the Christmas Program at school. Looking forward to hearing and watching them perform! I'm sure one or both will ham it up. And I'm actually kind of hoping for that. There is nothing sweeter than hearing children sing Christmas songs. Of course they will be all dolled up, but would you expect anything less? Unfortunately their program is the same time as our Niece W's program. Can't make it to both, so hopefully no feelings are hurt! Kris was able to take his big brother B up to Manhattan today to meet KSU football coach Bill Snyder and get an autographed football for his Christmas present. I technically have B's name this year, but who can deny my husband a chance to put a huge smile on his brother's face? I certainly am not one to stand in the way of such a joyous and great gift. Even if it means my hubby has to leave his KU gear at home and walk amongst the Wildcats for a day. I am glad Kris has such a big heart and will do what he can to make something so special become a reality. He did the same thing last month for his dad's 65th birthday, only that trip was to Austin, TX to tour the Longhorn's stadium. Wonder what else he has up his sleeve? Well the bed is getting ever so comfy and I am ready to call it a night. Lots of goals I am setting for myself and writing, even if its rambling that probably one or two others will actually read, its still writing! So here's to you, you know who you are. Thanks for reminding me to inspire myself from time to time and that its ok to leave the laundry. Ok so that part I came up with on my own! :)


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