Closed and breathing again!

We closed. Finally! It only took 24 days from the day we moved in! Thank goodness we were blessed with amazing sellers and a rockstar Realtor! We are officially homeowners, 10 years in the making! I am proud of Kris and all the hard work he put into getting us here. A lot of weeks with just me in the mom and dad seat on my own. Its been worth it! Now to enjoy the home and make it our own. Wouldn't it be awesome to have like a surprise fund to get things decorated like you want? I didn't realize how expensive paint and things of that nature are...sheesh! One room at a time! We have had a fun couple of weeks getting settled into the homeowner status. We enjoyed Halloween with the girls. One of the few Kris has actually had off to trick or treat with us. The girls came up with their own costumes this year. They re-used their recital costumes and turned them into Pizza Planet Aliens thanks to homemade antennas and covered pizza boxes. It was a great time and beautiful weather for us to enjoy it! My mom handed candy out at our house, 57 trick or treaters! Not too shabby! Of course we have a HUGE bowl of candy to stare at. Our girls are thankfully not pre-occupied with it. Instead they've been begging for the yogurt drinks and tomatoes in the refrigerator. We must be doing something right!
Aliens in front of our house!
Daddy and Big P watching the hippos at Boo at the Zoo!
The P's and their cousins ready for Trick or Treating! My mom and I took the girls to visit Santa this weekend. Wow Christmas is just around the corner. So excited to decorate the house. Trying to hold myself back from doing it too early! They have simple requests this year. New bikes. What kiddo wouldn't want a new bike for Christmas. Now to have Santa budget for that. Christmas will be bittersweet for my side this year. Lots of changes in store but long overdue changes. I hope to offer some balance for my parents on their journey and I hope cordial and loyalty will rise above any pain. Their granddaughters need them, both of them! Update on our weight loss journey! Kris is doing awesome working out with the boys at work. I can see major changes in him daily. I know he wants faster results but I will take these slower ones because the are taking him on a better journey. I hope he continues to find time to do this for him! I am down 15 lbs from April, not a huge number but a number just the same. And I see the latest loss as hopeful that my thyroid is finally getting tricked into working again?! Here's to hoping! I have lost 10 inches from around my waist! SCORE! I need new jeans because mine are too big. Too bad I am not good at shopping for myself! On a totally unrelated note. A good friend of ours took our family pictures a few weeks ago. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM! She rocks and I am so grateful to have something amazing to hang on our bare walls! Thank you Brie!!


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