A full summer

Its been a pretty busy summer here. It almost seems to have flown by in some ways and seems to standstill in others. The P's have been pretty busy with softball, dance recital, swim lesson (I think they've swam every day this summer) and lots of fun times with family. I've enjoyed being home with them again this year. Its a learning experience every time. I had the chance to watch two little girls, and while the time they did spend with us was fun, I definitely like being on our own schedule. So I don't think doing summer child care will be in my future. I'm kind of selfish I guess, I like my time with the girls and with Kris and the flexibility of doing what we want, when we want. And considering my time during the school year is with other peoples' children, I don't want that year-round.

Little P had the opportunity to go to the Melody Brown Fun Factory for two weeks in June. I went to this arts camp when I was her age and loved it. She did too. She is our entertainer, and this was her chance to do something all on her own. She rocked it as she always does.

Big P had her first real season of softball, and it was a rude awakening. We were used to the comraderie of instructional t-ball. That was no where to be found in the 8 and under league. Not only do the girls do their own pitching, but parents are already brutal and she got her first taste of poor sportsmanship. It was also a huge shock cost-wise. I am now the Peaches' treasurer for next season, so hopefully we can raise most of the funds so parents aren't feeling the pinch. Especially if we end up having Little P on the team too!

Swim lessons were bittersweet this year. Our friend Carrie passed away this January, and aside from being our friend, she was also the girls' swim coach for the past few summers. So, with a heavy heart, we enrolled the girls with another local family of swim coaches. The P's rocked it of course. Big P is part fish. She has no fear and wants to swim, swim, swim. Little P went from being afraid to jumping right in and going under. Lots of progress made this summer, and I know we will be spending the last few weeks out in the water. Carrie would be proud!

Kris and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary this week, yesterday as a matter of fact. It has been a long but good 9 years. There were times along the way that I'm sure both of us weren't sure we'd see this milestone. But we are here and every bump and bend in the road has brought us here. We are closer to a few of our own personal and marrital dreams, that it feels good. We are very blessed as a family, and while its not always a life and schedule others can understand, it is who we are. Praying that a huge achievement can finally be met this fall.

There are some bittersweet moments in my family at the moment. Some major changes in family elements on my side. This is very personal and until decisions are made I will leave it at this, but I pray that everyone involved finds peace and growth in the choices being made.

That said, I have enjoyed watching our girls grow this summer. They have such incredible imaginations, and great personalities. There are times though, that these great blessings, also drive me bananas! I have to remember to find balance and that they are just 7 and soon to be 6!! (I can't believe our baby is going to be 6!!!!) They are the best things Kris and I have ever done and I love watching the world through their eyes. The next few weeks will be our "back to school" routine and structure. Should be a challenge but I'm up for it!

On a fun note, I get to get away this weekend. A bunch of ladies I work with and I are going to see the New Kids on the Block and Back Street Boys Saturday. Its my first time away from the family, EVER. Like overnight and out and about. I'm a little nervous, like in a total irrational kind of way. But I worry that it won't be as fun as I hoped and I worry about the stupid things I don't want to say in a blog. But I'm just going to go with it. Thanks to Kris and my aunt Patty for taking care of the P's. They won't miss me I'm sure!

On a totally awesome note, I have a new laptop. One that doesn't take 10 years to get booted up and allows me to get to where I wanna go when I wanna go there! So I am hoping to sit down and write this summer, well whats left of it. My book so needs me!

Kris and his big brother Shawn wiring up their 4th of July fun...missing Uncle B who is deployed right now. Not the same missing one of the 3 Dodds boys.

Like father like daughters...our girls enjoy all of the fun of 4th of July!

The P's and my mom enjoying a 4th of July tradition, pancakes at Buena Terra, where Kris and I got married 9 years ago!

Just one of the many days the P's have spent at the pool!

Big P up to bat!

Little P making her catching debut!

Big P and I!


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