Tis the season to be....a Grinch?

I love this time of year, usually! I love the magic I see in the girls' eyes as they enjoy all of excitement and magic! I love hearing them sing Christmas songs ever so sweetly! I love hearing their Christmas wish lists when they sit on Santa's lap! But this year, I've found myself in a bit of a grinch-like slump! I'm not even sure why really!

I think a bit of it is post-magical vacation let down. Real life is not as magical as the magic kingdom! It's dirty and full of rude, hateful people! And that stinks! I think life would be much sweeter if the whole world was like the magic kingdom!

Ok yes, thats silly, but that's all I've got! Actually I think it is a mixture of post vacation, straight into thanksgiving, sick kiddo for 6 days and lack of preparedness for Christmas! Normally, I'm done shopping by now an everything is wrapped! Then I focus on big P's birthday which is a week from today! But that hasn't happened! I won't finish it until next weekend which has a bit of panic creeping in! I heard that song by Faith Hill last night, 'Where Are You Christmas?' and I totally get it!

I know Christmas is not about presents or being prepared, but I just feel a bit overwhelmed this year! So I'm in search of my christmas cheer this year! (ok that was a lot of rhyming!)

I did find a little of it last night listening to the P's and my nieces sing in the car! Hearing them sing 'Away in a manger' was incredible! So here's to enjoying (trying very hard!) the rest of this blessed season and remembering the joy of the above examples of Christmas spirit!


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