And the fun begins...........

With the start of the new school year, is also the beginning of the girls' activities. Yes, I am aware that I signed them up for extra-curriculars, but thankfully I have not gone overboard with what they are involved in. I have a few friends who are not very good at saying no. Kris and I want the girls to try everything and see what they like and are good at, and go with those, but that does not mean we need to try everything at once. Big P danced last year and did awesome at her recital in June! Little P did AWANA at church (coincidently the same night as Big P's dance class which made for a fun shuffle across town) and LOVED IT! In fact, Big P realized mid school year she wanted to do AWANA. We told her we would let her try it this year. SO they are now both in dance one night and AWANA the next. They both played T-ball this past summer, thankfully on the same team. Next summer will be a different situation.

Big P would like to try volleyball and soccer. Little P loves to play music and wants to try soccer and hockey. So at some point, we need to find a way to incorporate those without overlapping too much. Big P is a girl scout, and somehow my hand was raised when they asked for a leader last year. Year 2 and I'm still the leader, but I'm seriously considering stepping down and just being a girl scout mama. Little P has no interest, let me rephrase that, HAD no interest in Girl Scouts until she found out her bestie might be doing it! No I will not lead that troop thankfully. But at some point we may have lots of cookies to sell. Thankfully those events are once a month!

HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THIS? Kris works a lot, yes I know it is so I don't and so I can be a mom first,I am fully aware of this. I am also fully aware that he actually works a bit less than before when I worked full-time and I am also aware that after November (big trip!) we may not have the 85/15 situation on who is the only parent. But until then, it is up to me to get these girls to their stuff. SO that leaves little time for mommy to have stuff. I can't even imagine having stuff of my own. I do get to hang out with the B shift mamas from time to time and I could probably do more of that, but guilt and sure energy hold me back.

So...the fun has begun. And Kris is out of town for awhile, again, the girls and I are here. One of these Septembers we will get to go. This year, the bigger picture/trip took precendence. Sometimes being a grown up stinks!

SO I will do my best to make this weekend of just us girls a great one for the girls.


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