Wow I'm slack-a-lackin!

Ok I'm in a good mood, which is good right?
I've had a lot going on these past 3 months, so I apologize to those of you who check my blog (THANK YOU THANK YOU BY THE WAY)! I am going to make a personal goal of updating this every week! So please hold me to it if you can!

The P's are doing great in school! Big P is a little sad though. Her best friend Tucker is moving at the end of the year. Yes she is in kindergarten, and yes she is only 6, but this friend is a very good one. The kind that she swears she will marry when she's 30. He is a little gentleman, opens the door, makes sure she is ok on the playground. I see why she *Hearts* Tucker. He is moving to Western Kansas, his dad is taking over the family farm. So, despite Kris' objections (he hates driving to Western Kansas) we will probably make a couple of trips to the farm. On an awesome note, Big P is quite the reader now! She read 5 Dr. Suess books on her own to her little sister a few nights ago. Kris and I are extremely proud!

Little P is getting sassier and smarter every day. I truly believe she will following her sister's reading habits VERY soon! I can't believe she will be in kindergarten in 5 short months! She has roundup at the end of the month! YIKES! She is playing T-ball this summer, on the same team as Big P! It should be a fun ball season. Right now she is thriving in AWANAS, she has memorized 17 Bible Verses. Its so sweet to hear our 4 year old recite what she has learned.

Both girls will be flower girls (again) in June for our cousin Stephanie's wedding. They both love Houston, Stef's fiance, and amazingly enough, he enjoys being around them too. Stef and Houey (as the P's call him) have been brave enough to take the girls overnight. Good birth control for them I suppose!

The Jazzercizing is starting to pay off. I am seeing some good results, not much scale-wise yet, but there are a few reasons for that. For one, my thyroid medication is not working and heck neither is my thyroid! So by the Grace of God, between the higher medication levels and the specialist I am now a patient of, the thyroid will hopefully get it together. I know I will get more out of life when I'm healthy! I am hoping we can get healthy as a family! I think the Spring Fever is helping! We've been outside quite a bit when the temps hit higher than 45! It feels almost tropical!

Here are a few pictures of our last major snow fall! The girls and Kris had such a good time! The snow had been on the ground for about a week, but we couldn't play because the highest temperature was 5! Bring on SPRING!


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