You've Got My Attention

Something happened last week that broke my heart into a million little pieces. Big P came home from school upset about something a boy in her kindergarten class said to her. I asked her what he said and it took her a little while to build up the courage to tell me. She told me it would hurt my feelings because it hurt hers. I told her she could tell me anything and I would listen no matter what. She said the boy (who she has had word matches with quite a bit since school started) was making fun of her because her parents are "big". I asked her what she thought he meant and she made the motion of a big belly. I hid my sadness and gave her a reassuring smile. I let her know that we are all shaped differently and that she knows mommy and daddy have some work to do to get healthy. I asked her what she said back to this boy, and she told him that we are all different and we shouldn't make fun of people because of that. I am a very proud but sad mama. I never wanted my weight or Kris' to affect our children in such a way, embarrassment. I know I have some work to do, and Kris is well aware of the work he needs to do as well. But this little scenario has been on my mind ever since and I think it was the attention grabber needed to get my butt going. I joined Jazzercize and am proud to say that I've gone 3 days in a row, I just joined on Monday! What a great overall workout! A little kickboxing in there, which I love and it makes me work hard on every inch of my body. My goal is to go at LEAST 3 times a week, which right now is very possible. Maybe getting a head start on the whole Resolution part of the Holidays is a good way to go! I just pray that the girls will start to see the positive role model in me rather than the one that couldn't put the pop and fatty foods down.

On a much sweeter note, here are some of my favorite pictures from this fall! The first one cracks me up every time! Laughter at its finest captured by my little point and shoot camera, what a great moment!


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