Trudging along

I am not even sure if trudging is a word but hey it works today!

I am doing just that, moving along and getting things done. I have few interviews coming up so that gives me some hope. Plus, I have applied EVERYWHERE so I'm hoping that out of the 20+ jobs I've applied for, that I will hear back from about 10? There is one job in particular that would allow me to use my media background and be home to get Big P off the bus. Keeping my fingers crossed for that one.

Kris and I started working on getting Little P to bed hardcore this week. We are taking the Super Nanny approach, where we just keep putting her back in and telling her "It's time for bed, goodnight". We don't engage, we don't do anything but place her back in bed. The first night, it took 45 minutes, the second night, 30 and tonight I'm on my own. Wish me luck!

Big P is doing great in school, but is sad because she can't seem to make friends she says. I doubt that, because she was invited to a classmate's birthday party. I am trying to help her like herself more and instilling that her liking herself is all that matters, but the drama has already began!

I'm looking forward to a fun weekend with the family. And looking forward to enjoying life with them more. I think the funk is almost over, I hope!


Mamaof2M's said…
Has 501 posted the media job? I hear that it's opening up because the woman's husband got a job in Colorado.

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