Did she just do THAT??

Yes, yes she did!
We took the P's out to dinner last night. It was a fun evening and everyone was on their best behavior, mommy and daddy included.
They had just spent some time with Grandma and Grandpa and a few animals including a sweet Yorkie Poo and a kitten. Well Little P decided her ear itched, so she brought her leg up to her ear, and scratched it with her big toe. Just like the animals she had just seen. Kris and I were flabergasted, did she just do that? It was one of those moments as a parent where you just want to laugh so incredibly hard at their imagination and actions, but know better and should advise her that is not how people scratch themselves. It was purely innocent and incredibly sweet as well as hilarious so we ended up telling her that was how animals did it but still laughed too so she knew she still entertains us well. I wish we would've gotten a picture of the moment because it truly was funny!


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