
It's hot! Not just hot, but sweltering hot! We expect this kind of heat in Kansas in Mid-July and August but not late June. We've had a heat index of 102 or great at least 4 out of 5 days this week! I'm ok with the summer heat but this kind of heat just zaps the motivation out of me! Kris has been working in this heat, not a big deal when they're not running calls and are able to relax in the cool air of the firestation. However, when they are in the truck, he sits next to the engine in the Aerial truck, in the one space where there is no air conditioning! So needless to say he's a bit worn out.

I managed to take the P's swimming earlier this week and we dealt with the heat that way but we haven't been playing outside much at all. In fact, normally this time of year, they are playing and running and enjoying themselves at the Firefighter Union picnic. This year, not so much! The first night was full of a surprise storm that rained out any outside fun. The second night it was still 98 degrees and a heat index of 102 at dinner time so the P's got just a few minutes on the swings before we went home. I hope it gets back to normal soon so we can do the outside stuff we all enjoy! There is a new bottle of bubbles and some sidewalk chalk just calling their names not to mention some bikes in the garage that need little girls to ride them!


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