31 years and long way to go!

I have been blessed with another birthday! SO VERY blessed! In fact, I don't mind these birthdays and find it kind of humorous when people say they're 29 five years running. Why do people panic about birthdays? Yes, I am aware that each one reminds us that we are in fact getting older, but so what?! That means we've made it through another year of trials, tears, laughs, joys and so many more blessings than I think most of us are aware we even have! I have so much in my life, much more than I ever imagined and more than I could ever need. I have the love of a man who is truly my best friend, and yes, the past 10 years have been a roller coaster ride, but I wouldn't want that ride with anyone else! I am so "lucky to be in love with my best friend", thank you Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliat for that song. I am reminded every day by this man of how wonderful I am in his eyes and I could not ask for more!

I also have the love of two very important little ladies. They are my soulmates twice over! Two little people I get to call my daughters, our daughters. Their laughter, their innocence and their sweet little souls are so amazing. Every moment I get to spend with them I am reminded that they are strong, smart, funny, silly, empathetic, beautiful, healthy and so many other things I can not possibly type them all!

I have a great network of family and friends and truly have a blessed life. Yes, there have been some rough roads but those roads have made the journey worth it! So thank you Lord for 31 years of life and I pray that my life is one worth living! Its not how you did it or who you knew its the fact you lived and I plan on living every moment of it!

Some fun news!! Big P lost her first tooth last night! She was so brave and let daddy take it out! Of course the Tooth Fairy was prepared and left a nice surprise for a happy 5-year-old. Of course now Little P thinks her teeth are wiggly too! YIKES!


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