Thursday rambling...

I try to make a point of finding a balance between being productive in the evenings during the week all the while enjoying time with the P's and with Kris. Grass fire season has kept some of that time to a minimum, but its our job as a fire family to be flexible and I think the P's and I have adjusted well to that life. Sometimes, it does stink but we seem to have gotten better at balancing right now. So while the fires burned last night - the P's and I spent some time outside. They love riding their bikes and big wheels. I remember spending many, many hours doing just the same on my bike and my big wheel. I literally wore the wheels off my Care Bear big wheel and outgrew several bikes. So I truly enjoy seeing them out there doing the same. I hope the balance is a good one, the laundry will still be there yes I know. And the dishes will get done and the trash taken out, so with the weather warming up, its truly time to balance it all out. Especially with big P starting T-Ball. Her schedule is a little crazy, particularly towards the end of May with back-to-back games. I want to make it an enjoyable experience for her regardless of whether or not she falls in love with it like I did or just does it for this summer. Little P will be out there cheering her sister on as will Kris and I, and various family members. Gone are the days of just having kids and no real schedules besides work and daycare, now we are involved in activities! My goal is to NOT over do it on that. I don't know how people can manage having their kids in 3 or 4 activities at a time...thats just not something I think will keep me sane. Plus it doesn't give them the opportunity to truly enjoy any of it. So there ya go, my random Thursday morning rambling.

Here are a recent pics including one of the P's on their big wheels last night, the one of Big P didn't turn out as good as I would've liked, she was flying on that thing! =)


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